Which Country Has The Most Trees In The World
Forests are the lungs of the planet that mankind has called home for thousands of years. They have existed longer than our species has been around, and will hopefully continue to exist long after mankind takes off for the stars. As an appreciation for the fauna that keeps us alive and well, we’re going to take a look at three countries with abundant tree life and discuss the roles these countries play in tourism, agriculture, and wildlife preservation.
Suriname: an eco-tourism hotspot
This former Dutch colony is blanketed in tropical rainforest, with over 98% of the country covered in an extraordinary and lush landscape that attracts thousands of intrepid explores and travellers every year. As such, careful management is needed to curb the harmful implications of activities like gold mining and logging.
Excess deforestation could damage the delicate ecosystem Suriname relies on and affect food supplies for the indigenous communities. As part of t a long-term plan to ensure sustainable tourism, the Suriname government works with NGOs and local communities to protect its lush rainforests and fresh hydro resources.
The Central Suriname Nature Reserve was named as a World Heritage Site in 200 and has allowed Suriname to use eco-tourism as its third-largest foreign income exchange earner in the country.
Micronesia: a beacon of sustainable agriculture
The Federate State of Micronesia spans across 1.6 million square kilometres of territory over 600 islands in the Pacific Ocean. These islands are divided into four states: Yap, Chuuk, Kosrae, and Pohnpei. Almost 92% of these islands are forested, in part with thanks to the work done by organisations like the Conservation Society of Pohnpei (CPS) which promotes sustainable development based on resource management led by the communities of the nation.
For example, the CPS led an educational campaign called Grow Low, an initiative that helped raise awareness about the dangers and negative ecological impact of deforestation in upland watershed areas where farmers needed to strip out and seed their forest regions to meet the high demand for kava – a popular sedative-like drink. Through this campaign, farmers learned more effective and preservative techniques for growing their crops in the lowlands, leading to a 70% reduction of deforestation in upland kava clearings.
Gabon: the home of forest elephants
With 90% of the nation being covered in tree life, Gabon is home to the largest concentration of forest elephants in the world. Until recently, these elephants were in danger of extinction from poachers, with more than 25 000 forest elephants having been killed for their ivory between 2004 and 2014.
These elephants play a crucial role in sustaining the ecological integrity of Gabon’s lush forests by dispersing seeds across long distances as well as opening up the understory of the forest by eating away at or stomping on slow-growing plants. Their extinction would throw off the balance the forest has maintained for hundreds of years.
Which one of these countries are you inspired most by to add a little more tree life to your own backyard? We’re keen to know! Don’t be too shy to get in touch with us today and get started with bringing in some new trees to add a little more life to your home.